Rebecca Shearer

Lead Practice Nurse

Clare Stephenson

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Judith Flanagan

Practice Nurse

Vanessa Stephenson-Moore

Practice Nurse

Anabelle Ryan

Practice Nurse

Ashleigh Miller

Healthcare Assistant

Emily Watson

Trainee Nurse Associate

Paul Mills

Advanced Clinical Practitioner

We have 5 highly qualified registered nurses at the practice, one healthcare assistant, a trainee nurse associate, two advanced nurse practitioners and an advanced clinical practitioner. The practice nurses hold clinics each weekday mornings and afternoons. Clinics are by appointment, but the nurses are willing to see any appropriate emergencies or give advice over the phone. Our nursing team also conduct some home visit appointments.


General Practice Nurses work in GP surgeries as part of the primary healthcare team. Our nurses are involved in most aspects of patient care and offer a range of services such as obtaining blood samples, ECG's, wound management, travel health advice and vaccinations, child immunisations, family planning, cervical smears, managing long-term conditions such COPD and asthma and much more.

Healthcare Assistant (HCA)

Healthcare assistants work closely alongside our Nurses and are an important part of our primary healthcare team. HCA's offer a range of services including obtaining blood samples, NHS health checks and annual reviews, ECG's, B12 injections, new patient appointments, restocking consultation rooms and processing lab samples.

Trainee Nurse Associate (TNA)

We currently have a Trainee Nurse Associate who works alongside the nursing team and our HCA. This is a developmental role, and our TNA will start to offer a range of services that will develop as the education progresses. The TNA currently offers phlebotomy appointments.

Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP)

Our ACP is a qualified Paramedic who is undertaking additional training to advance his skills. He works alongside the Advanced Nurse Practitioner to offer daily appointments. The training enables the ACP to see you as a doctor would but with restrictions. The ACP can examine and diagnose your condition and manage your care by ordering relevant investigations and referring you to appropriate departments and services.