What is a Patient Participation Group?

A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of people who are patients of the surgery and want to help it work as well as it can for patients, doctors and staff.

Can I discuss my medical conditions or complaints about the surgery at a PPG meeting?
No. Your medical condition should only be discussed with a clinician. If you have complaints, there is a procedure to follow, you can find this on the website.

Why should I join?
You will represent other patients or carers of patients of the surgery and your community. Your ideas, feedback, experiences and suggestions matter to us. You can gain a better understanding of how the surgery and the NHS works, the challenges we face and this can help us to improve the services we offer. We are always looking to improve.

Does it take up a lot of time?
No, the group will meet a few times a year and meetings should be no longer than an hour. In the current climate, meetings will be over Zoom so you will need a smartphone, tablet or computer. If you aren't sure how to use Zoom, we can help you set it up and get connected.

Who can join?
Any patient over 16 is welcome. We aim to have as diverse a group as possible that is a true representation of our community.

Sign up here
If you would like to join the Patient Participation group, please complete this email >>